About Acupuncture / TCM

Acupuncture is a part of a complete system of healing, usually referred to as TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine). TCM has several distinct branches and has stood the test of time in that it has been practised for several thousands of years in China, its country of origin. In its present, classical form TCM has existed for at least 2000 years, with its earliest texts dating to the first centuries BC.

It involves the insertion of extremely fine, pre-sterilised, disposable, stainless steel needles on the body surface to restore internal health.

Acupuncture can be used alone or combined with other treatment methods of Traditional Chinese Medicine – your practitioner will frequently combine acupuncture treatment with moxibustion, dietary therapy and medical advice.

There are no specifics such as are often used in modern medicine for the labelling of symptoms. Acupuncture does not confine itself to treating only named diseases, rather it treats sick people by revealing the source of the trouble by using its own diagnostic methods and setting about its removal. The patient is always viewed as a unique individual. He or she is regarded as a whole and integrated personality with all that that implies.

Treatment subsequently is always geared to the specific requirements of each individual. This means that three patients complaining of what might at first sight appear to be the same symptoms may each receive entirely different treatment and each make a satisfactory and sound recovery.