Information for GPs
How To Refer
In SystmOne go to Auto-Consultation > 21 NWL Enhanced Services > NWL ES Referral Out template”
In the template, select ‘Central London’, ’South Locality’.
Then choose ‘Acupuncture Clinic’ from the list and finally “Refer to Kings College”.
Please use the “Referral Summary” Box to include:
- Primary reason for referral
- Preferred location if any (Belgravia / Kings College)
- Any additional information such as desired outcome or focus for the acupuncture treatment.
Who To Refer
- All patients, including pregnant
- Children with a guardian
- Clinically unstable patients
- Mentally unstable patients
Pain of Any Kind
- e.g. : MSK, cancer pain, neuro migraines, headaches
Mental Health
- e.g. : Anxiety, insomnia, depression, palpitations, panic attacks
- e.g. : Drugs, alcohol, tobacco, food
“Odd” Problems
- No clear cause, poor treatment options
Additional Information – Find Out More
Referral is actioned generally within a week and patients are sent a link to an online health questionnaire to complete in preparation for their appointment. Once the intake form has been received from the patient, they will be added to the waiting list.
- When test results are inconclusive, no cause can be found but symptoms persist.
- When treatment options are poor or there are none.
- When the patient wishes to explore non-chemical and/or non-invasive treatment options.
- Alongside Western medical treatment for serious conditions, such as cancer.
- When nothing further can be done for the patient within Western Medicine.
See also here for a list of some Western named conditions, which have recently been reviewed for effectiveness of acupuncture treatment.
information forthcoming
There are no side effects – safe
Acupuncture is perfectly safe and beneficial to be used alongside Western medical treatment.
Please note that patients will never be given advice regarding their prescriptions or Western medical treatment options, for or against, that is a matter for their GP or consultant to discuss.
Acupuncture can greatly improve a patient’s health, well-being and mood when faced with serious and life-threatening conditions, and it can be useful to alleviate side-effects of Western medicine treatment, such as chemotherapy.
Acupuncture, however, should never be used as a first line of treatment in these situations, but only ever as an adjunct therapy. This is very important for the patient to understand: Acupuncture cannot effectively treat cancer.